Home ENERLYSE – Hawley Energy Consultants


Our Process - ENERLYSE

We have many years’ experience analysing data on behalf of our clients to help identify improvements and a sustainable tailored future plan.

As consultants we use energy reducing technology to advise and consider our clients’ energy requirements, managing investment expectation; based on unique considerations for each business premises and usage. To do this we use our own bespoke improvement plan & system we call ENERLYSE.

Hawley Energy Consultants
Hawley Energy Consultants

Metering & Monitoring

Electronic Metering & Monitoring

In our view the most important stage, without the ability to interrogate & report on accurate data, any of the next steps fail to deliver on expectation or promised savings.

Normalised Reporting

Normalised Reporting & Savings Verification

Once the data has been captured, it needs to be presented in a format that is both easy to read yet informative, enabling actions to be taken by the appropriate parties.
Hawley Energy Consultants
Energy Champions


Energy Champions

It’s important to understand, we cannot achieve our goals without support from the board room right down to the coal face with those working at the front line often having the greatest opportunity to negate energy waste. From switching lights and air conditioning units off to providing feedback on operational challenges where new equipment has been installed, Energy Champions can act as the eyes and ears of any Net Zero or energy efficiency strategy. We can assist in the training and support of colleagues as they learn skills that can help them personally and in the workplace.


Responsive Energy Auditing

Using data to help identify exceptions, identify good/bad impacts on use and where no practical explanation can be found, auditing allows specialist engineers to identify and help implement changes that reduces energy usage which can be measured/reported on through Electronic Metering & Monitoring.

Hawley Energy Consultants
Hawley Energy Consultants

Behaviour Change

Leveraged Behaviour Change

Again, using data as the driver, correctly managed behaviour change can achieve savings of up 5% but this is conditional on ongoing training and clear action plans being compiled, communicated and most importantly, repeated. Appropriately training Energy Champions will help maintain the message throughout.

Demand Reduction

Year on Year Demand Reduction

It could be argued that this is captured within stages 3 & 4 but, this is a more holistic overview of the operations within an organisation over a 12 month period, that could be improved to reduce the maximum demand. It’s important to consider this annual as seasonal/operational variances can have a major influence on demand. Where Increases in capacity cannot be avoided, they are often costly but are slow to implement so any opportunity to reduce maximum demand should be considered carefully. This becomes increasingly important as the electrification of heat and fleet(s) can result in very large increases in demand that on occasion, the grid is unable to support.
Hawley Energy Consultants
Hawley Energy Consultants

Supply Management

Supply Management & DNO Liaison

Supply & Connection Agreements are often viewed as one and the same but, the 2 agreements represent different aspects of our electricity supply. The former is the agreement between consumer and provider, setting out the rate per kWH primarily. The former relates to your agreement with the national grid, setting out the maximum amount of power you are going to need at any one time as well as certain requirements around power quality that require consumers to not do anything that has a detrimental affect on the supply to other consumers.

Energy Saving

Energy Saving Technology & Renewable

We regularly see people rush to install technology too early in their journey and whilst this can on occasion make sense – we recommend careful review of existing infrastructure, usage and short/long term needs. It’s important that we understand the impact of potentially competing technologies for example. Secondly, having reduced our maximum demand through Stage 5, the capital cost of our energy saving equipment will likely be reduced enhancing our return on investment and draw on capital reserves.
Hawley Energy Consultants